So I was watching a dove commercial last night, and it was asking women about what their favorite body part was. And none of them could name their favorite body part, I thought this was awful! Us women are so self conscious over social media and it's getting ridiculous! I thought for a couple minutes and I came to the conclusion that my favorite body is my feet! Yes that's right my bony, husky and scarred feet is my favorite part body. I bet most of you guys are wondering why, am I right??

I know it's kind of weird to hear but my feet are kind of like my best friend! So after counting all my blisters and scars a couple of times, I have 32 in total!! And I'm proud of all of them! There's amazing stories behind of all of them from running my first 8km race to my favorite soccer side tackles to breaking my favorite pair of flats in. But most of them are from running a WHOLE cross country season without out, did I mention that I HATE wearing socks and or shoes? Most people think it's weird but I think its normal. During summer you'll see me running barefoot, I will always come home with black feet. Even if I have a bad day, my feet are always there because they have too be. Haha, and that's why my feet are my favorite body part.

I encourage EVERYONE to do the same thing and try to figure out what your favorite body part is!
Shanelle (JHSS)
5/16/2013 10:55:13 pm

I really love this blog! The confidence you have about yourself is contagious and really inspiring. You are allowing whoever reads this blog to feel comfortable in their own skin! Great job!

Lindsay Harrison
5/20/2013 02:41:00 am

Thank you :) I don't acutaly have a lot of confidence about myself. But I was hoping to get other people to feel comfortable in their own skin.


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