" I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to control. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at me at my best."

Kirsten A
4/24/2013 12:16:04 am

i love this quote! Marilyn Monroe is a role model to so many people. she demonstates as a strong female, who knew who she was, and never backed down, or took anything less than the best.

5/12/2013 12:53:07 am

Me too, Marilyn Monroe is a HUGE role for some many females! I feel like we need more women like that in our society.

Eric Wilson
4/24/2013 12:22:42 am

This is a great quote. I bet many people can relate to this and are moved by it.

5/12/2013 01:17:23 am

Yea she has so many great quotes just like this one, that people can relate to.

4/24/2013 12:34:36 am

wow i love marilyn monroe! she is a great inspiration to many.

4/24/2013 12:35:44 am

I love this quote I have heard it a couple times before, every time I read it I like it more and more

Steph L.
4/24/2013 10:51:48 am

I agree with everyone that this is a great quote & that she is a role model to many people. But you don't have any of your thoughts or opinion in this blog post(a voice), just a picture of Marilyn Monroe and a quote!

4/24/2013 02:20:20 pm

I agree with Steph. What do you think about this quote, how did it inspire you, why did you post it basically?

Casey Boe.
4/24/2013 11:51:32 pm

I've heard this quote used often, but I didn't know it was from her. What do you think of this quote? I think it's very good, how it says you have to accept her for everything, not just the good.

4/29/2013 11:53:46 pm

I heard this quote in a one of nicki minaj songs . It's a very good quote.

5/9/2013 02:24:10 am

I love this quote! It's so inspiring and true to females today! If someone can't handle your flaws, then why should you accept theirs?

5/9/2013 02:24:23 am

I absolutely love this quote and the picture you incorporated was great! This quote definitely makes you reflect about the people in your life. Perhaps we have to also be more accepting of others when they are not necessarily at their best.


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